Project Stands

In the main room at T-DOSE, de Grote Spoel, will be an information market where Open Source related projects will be presenting. The information market will be available on both days of the conference. Come visit these stands to learn more about these great projects.

Of course, our own T-DOSE information desk can be found here as well. Don't forget to come and get a great new "collectors-item" T-DOSE T-shirt; or a large T-DOSE mug that you can refill for free with T-DOSE coffee and tea!

Ubuntu Touch

Come visit the Ubuntu Touch stand to meet the Dutch community, get technical with core developer Alfred Neumayer and to lay your hands on working devices with Ubuntu Touch which will most certainly convince you to switch.

Ubuntu Touch

Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)

Information booth by the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE).

Free Software Foundation Europe

NLnet hexsticker booth (Saturday)
How to turn your FLOS project into a hexsticker

Come meet us at our hexsticker stand to expand your sticker collection. A secondary purpose may be to talk to us about the funding we provide to free and open source projects. Projects funded by NLnet may receive their own hex sticker. So come by to pick up some stickers and find out how to turn your project into a hexsticker (and get funded).

NLnet supports organisations and people who contribute to an open internet for all. We fund projects that help fix the internet through open hardware, open software, open standards, open science and open data. After its historical contribution to the early internet in Europe in the 1980's, NLnet has been financially supporting the open internet since 1997.

NLnet Foundation
(For logistical reasons, the sticker booth will only be at T-DOSE on day 1.)

Freie Software Freunde - FYMT

FYMT is "Free Your Model Train"

We want to liberate Free Software and Open Standards from the “IT-Corner“ and convince technical oriented people of their advantages.
All software and all documentation will be published under free licenses. Restrictions, including those on commercial use, are not acceptable.

Free Your Model Train (German)


Yet another sleek simple fast CMS with an effortless template and plugin environment.

Ivy homepage

Apache OpenOffice and Free Software for business tracks

Apache OpenOffice is a well known office suite.

The friends of Free Software (Freie Software Freunde) will showcase some more free programs for business and professional tasks (Free as in free speech).

Apache OpenOffice

Angry Nerds Podcast (Sunday)

Angry Nerds is the privacy and security podcast!

The hilarious talk show about privacy, security, ethics, technology and science. Every episode we discuss recent current events with a colourful collection of nerds. Did you already realize that we use the word “cyber” (cheers!) as a drinking game? This way you can listen to each episode even more comfortably. A good use for an otherwise fairly meaningless word.

Angry Nerds Podcast
(The Angry Nerds team will only be at T-DOSE on day 2.)

Flashback: 2023

In 2023, the following projects were represented at the T-DOSE conference: