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Call for Participation

written by T-DOSE on 2025-01-01

T-DOSE, the Technical Dutch Open Source Event, is a freely accessible conference, organised in the Eindhoven region since 2006. The event consists of a central track with presentations and a bazaar where Open Source projects can present themselves. This year, T-DOSE will be held on 31 May and 1 June at the Weeffabriek in Geldrop.

The T-DOSE organisation calls for proposals for talks. All presentations related to open source, open standards, open data or open hardware are welcome. Possible subjects for talks include specific software development projects, but also practical application of open source in schools/institutions or industry, open standards, community management, programming languages, open internet applications, legal aspects, historic developments, hackerspaces, etc. We also have some capacity for related workshops.

At the same time, we open registrations for participation in the bazaar, where stands will be available to open source projects and other related groups to present themselves to the public. The stands will be placed in a central information market area.

The deadline for presentation abstracts, workshops and project stand requests is 31 March 2025. Submit your registration via our registration webinterface and make sure to select the appropriate track.

T-DOSE is completely organised by volunteers. More information about the foundation and the core team, as well as sponsoring opportunities can also be found on our website. For any questions regarding submissions, please use the contact form.

T-DOSE 2025

written by T-DOSE on 2024-06-02

As T-DOSE 2024 is wrapping up, we are excited to inform you that there will be another T-DOSE next year:

31 May & 1 June 2025

If you had a good time at T-DOSE this year, or if you couldn't make it, please reserve the date for next year. The location will be the same as this year: the Weeffabriek in Geldrop.

Add T-DOSE 2025 to your calendar: iCalendar event.

Call for help - A note from our chairman

written by T-DOSE on 2024-05-28

I have been part of the core team of T-DOSE for a good few years now, and have even been bumped up to chairman of the T-DOSE foundation. And I have to say that I really like putting time and effort into keeping our event alive and helping it grow over the years. The enthusiasm of the core team is infectious, and we have gotten very experienced in organising this event.

However, in the years since COVID-19 we have lost a few core organisers, and this is affecting the workload of the remaining team. Some tasks are harder to get done, and I fear future editions of T-DOSE may suffer from that. We are particularly short-handed in the area of money-related tasks, such as fund raising and managing the foundation's finances.

So, if you think that organising an open source conference is worth a few evenings a month of your time, please let us know. We are particularly looking for a new treasurer for our foundation and for someone who is good at finding and communicating with prospective sponsors, but extra hands in other areas are also very welcome.

If you want to help, but feel that you lack the time to help us organise T-DOSE throughout the year, or prefer a more hands-on role during the event, we are also looking to increase our pool of volunteers for the actual weekend. So don't hesitate to let us know if you're available!

Join us for a chance to get that warm feeling of seeing your efforts lead to yet another great event!

Hope to see you soon,

Peter van Ginneken
Chairman of the T-DOSE foundation

2024 Talks Schedule

written by T-DOSE on 2024-05-23

The talks schedule is now available in our pretalx instance.

There will be two tracks on Saturday and one on Sunday, spanning a wide range of technical and community topics. Have a look and pick some interesting topics you want to learn more about.

See you on the 1st and 2nd of June!

2024 Social Event

written by T-DOSE on 2024-05-21

The main part of any conference is of course the social aspect! A well established T-DOSE tradition is to have a dinner and a couple of drinks with speakers, volunteers and visitors to end the first conference day. Our social event will start at 6pm on Saturday evening. This is a great way to interact informally with all our speakers and whoever else you meet at T-DOSE. Discuss your experiences of the day and all the presentation that are still coming on the next day. Everybody is welcome.

Register now to be a part of this!

In order to prepare for this event, we need a good estimate on how many people will join is. That is why registration is open as of today. If you are interested in a nice dinner with like-minded people, then please let us know via email to socialevent @ t-dose.org. Because we need to book in advance, there will only be a very limited amount of extra slots available for sale on the day itself. Yes, really limited. Register in advance to guarantee your place at the table. Do not wait to register on the day itself - you might get disappointed.

Social event tickets cost 30 euro. You can pay during the event itself, at the T-DOSE info stand on Saturday. The social event is only open to people who have registered and paid before the event starts. Attendees of the social event will gather in the main hall of the T-DOSE event location. Don't be late, the doors will close at 6pm for the start of the social event. The entrance fee must be paid before that time at the T-DOSE info stand. If you have special dinner wishes, such as vegetarian food, please specify this in your email.